How to treat alcohol associated liver disease
How to treat alcohol associated liver disease best doctors for liver disease Treatment of alcohol related liver disease encompasses multiple steps. Just asking to stop alcohol is not enough. Here are the things which we need to look at while dealing with alcohol related liver disease Abstinence Counselling Alcohol withdrawal Alcohol Craving Alcohol associated fatty liver and hepatitis Fibrosis and Cirrhosis – Complication of cirrhosis Liver Transplant General Measures Alcohol abstinence is the cornerstone of therapy Early management of Alcohol dependence is recommended in all patients Considering the potential risk of Wernicke’s encephalopathy supplementation with B-complex vitamins is recommended Behavioural Treatment Cognitive behavioural Therapy Motivational enhancement Contingency management Nutritional Therapy High protein diet – Do not restrict proteins High calorie diet – Can eat routine home-made foods including roti, sabzi, dal and rice Can have milk and milk products – ...