Kidneys in liver cirrhosis – Hepatorenal Syndrome
Kidneys in liver cirrhosis – Hepatorenal Syndrome What are different complications of cirrhosis? Liver Cirrhosis progresses to develop many complications. It is prudent to be aware of the complications of liver cirrhosis, so that it can be picked up early and treated timely. Some of these are often ignored for long time before they become life threatening. The table shows different complications of liver cirrhosis. Blood Vomitus Swelling of feet Poor memory Black Stools Fluid in chest Altered behaviour (Brain Involvement) Blood in stools Ascites – Fluid in abdomen Hypoxia (Lung Involvement) Nasal Bleeding Jaundice Low BP (Heart Involvement) Increased bleeding tendency Loss of muscle mass Low Urine (kidney Involvement) Darkening of skin Bone weakness (Osteoporosis) Loss of sexual hair (Gonad involvement) Usually, the initial complications are fluid collection and bleeding. Renal involvement is a sign of very advanced disease. Kidney involvement presents as hepatorenal...