Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease
Liver is the largest internal organ of our body and has more than 500 functions. Considering the significance of liver, we expect it to cause symptoms even with minimal injury. However, liver is quite resilient with tremendous regenerating capacity and hence, symptoms do not appear till very late. Even with ongoing liver damage, liver tries to cope up by not only enhancing the function of remaining liver but also be growth of the liver tissue. Based on the acuity of liver damage we can get symptoms. When the liver suffers from acute insult, there are symptoms seen frequently (as we see with routine viral hepatitis). However, if it is chronic or gradual long standing damage, there would be no symptoms. Symptoms only develop in such situation when liver failure begins. We divide symptoms and signs of liver damage in three subgroups A) Acute Hepatitis – The symptoms are known to every one of us. The most common cause is viral hepatitis A or E. Patients initially have lo...