Liver Involvement in COVID-19

Covid-19 is a disease caused by a novel type of coronavirus now termed as SARS-CoV-2. The virus originated from Wuhan, #China and has now spread throughout the world now responsible for more than 50,000 deaths worldwide. The disease is primarily responsible for causing lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS. In the 1.4 million cases noted so far # liver involvement is also seen. The cells of the bile duct contain the same receptors as the ones present in lung by which the virus causes lung damage. Theoretically, it was expected to cause damage by the same mechanism – ACE2 receptors. However, practically we have not noted significant liver injury. No case of #LiverFailure caused by the virus per se is noted. There is rise in transaminases and non-specific abnormalities are noted in # LiverFunctionTests or # LiverProfile . Most studies have found elevation of AST and total bilirubin similar to injury caused by other non hepatotrophic viruses. Initia...