Liver Function Tests
Liver is an organ of your body that carries out nearly 500 functions. It is impossible for us to test for each of these functions. The freely available tests at all laboratories are usually called liver tests or liver function tests which are ideally a screening test and helps the doctor decide a direction for the direction of next investigation. Liver disease per se develops symptoms very late. When they develop symptoms, the liver damage is often quite severe. The only ways to detect abnormalities of liver before the development of symptoms are the above battery of tests. They not only tell us the reason for liver abnormalities, they also help to decide the severity. The tests include bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, Proteins, Albumin and Prothrombin Time. These tests are bundled together in different combinations are known as liver function tests. It is based on these tests doctors can gauze what is wrong with your liver. The term jaundice is derived...